
Special Thanks To


  • Crystal Creek Lodge. The source of most good things and avenues in Dan's life since 1987 and Lynnette's since 2012. Plus, we took a few things from the tackle shop on the way out this year
  • The Orvis Company. We are carrying their fishing tackle as part of a fantastic relationship with them since 1991.
  • Orvis Travel. Thanks to the team for the introductions and arranging for the hosted weeks.
  • Magic Waters Patagonia, Coyhaique, Chile. We have a hosted trip there November 23-December 8.
  • Patagonia River Guides, Esquel, Argentina. We have a hosted week there December 6-13, 2019.
  • Carrileufu River Lodge, Cholia, Argentina. We have a hosted week there February 8-15, 2020.
  • Estancia Tecka, Esquel, Argentina. We have a hosted week there February 15-22, 2020.
  • Montana Fly Company. They set us up with beautiful flies.
  • Patagonia Camper. Our dealer for the slide-in camper in Buenos Aires.
  • Grossenbacher Photo. Thanks for the stock imagery to kick-start this site
  • Los Ombues Lodge, Entre Rios Provence, Argentina. Been there 8 times. Awesome place & people. They stashed our camping gear

Personal Thanks to:

  • Carlos Sanchez. Owner of Los Ombues Lodge, longtime friend and heavy lifter throughout the Argentine bureaucracy.
  • Agustin Bustos. Operations Manager of Los Ombues Lodge, longtime friend one who did a lot of leg work to put this together.
  • Javier Bustos. Augies brother. He works at The Toyota dealership in the Pampas region of Argentina. He shepherded the truck from new order to Patagonia Camper in Buenos Aires.
  • John and Marlene Childs. The people who originally brought Dan to Argentina in 2000 and own the coolest hunting and fishing rig in the world. They brought our gear to Argentina.
  • Pablo Penalva. Pilot, idea man and connected Argentine who loaded and hauled our gear
  • William Baldwin. Pilot and can-do man who loaded & hauled our gear
  • Andy Repke. Pilot and can-do man who loaded & hauled our gear
  • Dianne Gianatassio. Can-do woman who received and forwarded a mountain of camping gear to Argentina.
  • Austen Cameron. Web designer. He dropped everything to create this blog.
  • Todd Scott/Tailfin Media. A creative force Who designed the graphics for the website and vehicle.
  • Brian Grossenbacher. He offered some great ideas and donated some awesome stock photos to get the site rolling
  • Rick White. He was the instigator of the 1984 Western United States fly fishing road trip
  • Clayton Hammons. He tempted us with blogs and website ideas. He is also taking care of business while we're away
  • Heather and Alex Oberholtzer. My partners who said "GO!" They have our back
